Wednesday, January 16, 2008

New Trailer for Romero's DIARY OF THE DEAD

I, for one, am glad that THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT did not kill off the "found footage" movie. True, THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT did pioneer the genre, but there was such a backlash after the movie was released that I was pretty sure we'd seen the end of this kind of film. The studios mistakenly thought that they needed to stick to the tried and true and that the experiment that was THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT was over. Well, the problem with THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT was, quite simply, that the emperor wasn't wearing any clothes. After months of hype, when THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT hit the theaters, audiences saw a lot of woods and shaky cameras and crappy acting and little else. The mythology that had been built up on the internet over the preceding year just didn't live up to the reality of what the movie was. There were no ghosts or witches or supernatural. A pile of sticks does not a scare make. People were disappointed. And rightly so. Studios blamed the "found footage" genre and not the real culprit... the story. THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT just wasn't scary, worse... it was a little boring. Time passed.  Now filmmakers like J.J. Abrams and George Romero are bringing this genre back with CLOVERFIELD and DIARY OF THE DEAD. And kudos to them. This way of storytelling has the potential to be groundbreaking and terrifying. These films have a chaotic energy all of their own and are as close to snuff films as I'd ever want to get. I'm glad they're getting a second chance. Anyway, check out the trailer for Romero's DIARY OF THE DEAD below. No one does zombies quite like the master.

Diary of the Dead - Exclusive Trailer

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