That picture, my friends, is of a Sony Betamax player. It is a distant cousin of my HD DVD player. So this news is a couple of days old, but turns out Warner Brothers got paid a lump of cash from the Blu-ray camp to go Blu-ray exclusive. Check out the story here. So this puts about seventy percent of the studios firmly in the Blu-ray camp. Which means the the end is near for HD DVD and the selection of DVDs for my HD DVD player is going to be dwindling faster than coffee at an A.A. meeting. Guess I choose the betamax of the new millennium. I'll be picking up a Blu-ray player to sit besides my dusty HD DVD player before summer's out. I'll let you know what I pick up and what I think. After my day one XBOX 36o (which died a loud and painful death) and my HD-DVD player, I'm thinking being an early adopter is probably not the way to go. Maybe patience is a virtue.
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