Okay, so what did I think of the rather clumsily named TERMINATOR: THE SARAH CONNOR CHRONICLES last night? I actually thought it was pretty cool. Nice action, engaging story, good actors. The biggest compliment that I can give Lena Headey, is that I didn't think of Linda Hamilton once during the premiere. She became Sarah Connor, playing the role with the weight it deserved. She was haunted, burdened, tough yet maternal. Thomas Dekker played John Connor as less of a kid than Eddie Furlong, but then again his innocence would be stripped away after the events in T2. Summer Glau is Summer Glau, River Tam always rocks. I liked the way the series bridged the gap between T2 and now, the time travel was a nice element. The action was suitably action-y and it appears like they got away with a lot for network TV. Apparently the Connors versus Skynet is going to be the predominant arc of the show, so you're not going to want to miss an episode.
So was it all peaches and cream? Of course not. There were... things. Bad things. For instance, they decided to make the good terminators eyes glow blue instead of red. You see? Red bad. Blue good, dumb TV audience. Also, a terminator, posing as a substitute teacher, felt the need to hide his gun in his fleshy thigh, the only way of being able to extract it being to cut into the aforementioned fleshy thigh with a knife. In front of a roomful of students. I know. Now I know when you time travel you can't take items or clothes. You arrive to your temporal location naked and empty-handed. But the substitute teacher-terminator was able to get a hounds tooth jacket. Wouldn't buying a gun and putting it in the pocket of your jacket be a better plan than slicing open your leg in front of a bunch of fifteen year olds? I'm just saying. Also, the very instance Sarah Connor and her clan arrives in 2007, naked as the day they were born, some kid videos them with his cell phone and apparently gives it to the news. And the news plays it! Because it was newsworthy? I don't know. And, also every single person who knew Sarah Connor eight years before happens to be watching the newscast. But I guess if I lived in a town where naked ladies lead the day's stories, I would be watching too. The whole thing just screamed, "PLOT DEVICE!" But all in all, none of these things were enough to put me off from watching. I mostly enjoyed what I saw. I can handle a little cheese. I'll be tuning in tonight for episode 2.
The last thing here is a teaser for the first episode of LOST, season 4. I can't wait for this series to start back up. The teaser's pretty cool. Check out the reflection in the water at the end.
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