So Harry Knowles, over at the fantastic web site Ain't It Cool News, has seen CLOVERFIELD and in turn has seen the Cloverfield monster. And what does he say it looks like? He says, "It's not a fucking upright walking whale. It doesn't look like any iteration of GODZILLA that we've ever seen. It is enormous. And even though I've seen it... I am hard-pressed to come up with a comparative creation. You know that big fucking thing in THE MIST? It isn't that. Is the creature a biped? I'm not sure, I think it might've been a four-legged beastie... it has a tail, it has teeth and freaky eyes like that horse that died in ANIMAL HOUSE. It's kinda of a grayish-yellowish-off-white looking thing." So it's not a whale and it's kind of yellow and off-white. Harry can really paint a mental picture. I guess we'll just have to keep wondering till the 18th of January. He does rave about the movie, however and his review has me amped to see this baby all the more. His review has some minor spoilers but it's an entertaining read. Find it HERE.
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