So another new comic day is upon us. So let's see what is notable, at least in my corner of the comic universe. The Amazing Spider-man starts it's thrice monthly schedule with it's Brand New Day arc. I'm looking at the cover and I hardly care. I'll read it. See what I think. But after the One More Day arc, we are back at square one. And that just sucks. I always liked the comics because it was like the comic readers had a little piece of the mythos that the movie fans and cartoon watchers didn't have. Peter grows up, gets married, still fights crime, lets his identify be revealed to Aunt May, reveals to the world that he is Spider-man (maybe this could have been erased), fights more crime. The character was about change and that's all gone. I'm sure the new arc will have Aunt May trying to get Peter to eat his pancakes because he's too scrawny and Peter will be having girl trouble and J. Jonah Jameson will be low-balling Peter on his pictures and yelling, "PARKER!" and Spidey will be fighting Doc Ock and the like. Make it stop. It seems so tedious. Maybe the new book will surprise but I doubt it. I'll stick it out for a few issues. Rant over.
Ghost Rider also came out. It's a fun book. The Mighty Avengers came out with the blurb Secret Invasion above the title. Wonder what that's about? Messiah Complex Chapter 11 in X-factor #27 is on the stands. I'm really enjoying this massive X-title crossover. Reminds me of the X-men titles of the 80s only written much better. And The Evil Dead issue 1 from Dark Horse is out today! This will make the second monthly starring Ashley Williams. I gave Army of Darkness a try, and a good long try at that, but eventually I had to drop the title. It just didn't feel like Ash, it felt like someone writing Ash. Does that make sense? Kind of like someone describing a South Park episode to you rather than you actually watching the episode. It was just kind of phony. So I dropped it. Now I see Dynamite Comics is planning an Army of Darkness crossover with Xena. So I rest my case. Here's hoping that Dark Horse succeeds where Dynamite failed. Of course there were other titles that hit today but those are the ones I was most excited about. Not a bad week.
So, yeah... TRON. I remember a few years ago I was telling all my friends that Phantasm was the scariest movie of all time. It was hard to find so no one had really seen it. I happened to catch it on HBO when I was like seven and it remained ingrained on my imagination. The Tall Man, the metal sphere, the graveyard, the Jawas (still don't know what they were doing there), this was the stuff of cold sweats and sleepless nights. Anyway, long story short, I got my hands on a copy and I sat down to re-watch it. Let's just say the mind can play tricks on you. Horror movies had progressed at this point to make Phantasm seem silly and quaint. It was not the movie my mind had told me for years it was. And last night, I was reminded of this experience as I played TRON. The graphics are, of course, terrible but that's not what really sinks the game. The controls are awful, beyond awful. The right analog stick stands in as the little dial thingy that was on the cabinet and let's just say it doesn't works. At all. So that means you can't aim. At anything. Ever. You die. A lot. All the time. It's an exercise in frustration. Stay away. Far away. Easily one of the worst titles I've purchased on arcade. Which is disappointing since I was really looking forward to the game. TRON is easily the Phantasm of video games. Too bad.
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