I don't have much today. First off, The Sarah Connor Chronicles starts tonight on FOX. This is the show that actually starts right after T2 and kind acts like Claire Danes and pretends T3 never happened. I, for one, dug T3 but obviously the producers of this TV show didn't because they've been talking all sorts of smack about it to the press. But I like the fact Sarah Connor lives on and didn't die of leukemia inn 1997 or whenever, as T3 put forth. So I'll be tuning in. It's actually getting fairly decent reviews. Check some of them out here.
Also, I kind of wanted to say something about Spider-man's Brand New Day story arc. In a previous post I was fairly vocal about what I thought of the direction this comic was taking. Basically I thought it was a half-cocked idea and it was disrespectful to the past of the character and the previous creators. I thought the book was going to suck and from the rumblings around the net it seems that I was in the large majority. Well, then I did something. I read the first issue of Brand New Day. Did it put the amazing back in spider-man? Quite frankly, no. But it wasn't that bad either. In fact it was kind of cool. Parker does ask his Aunt May about wheat cakes but it was a joke. J. Jonah Jameson does yell, "PARKER!!!!" But then he drops to the floor with a heart attack. The villain is not Doc Ock but some sinister badass named Mr. Negative who looks awesome and gin-sues two of his henchman to make a particularly bloody point. So basically it seems like Dan Slott (the writer) and Joe Q. (the editor) knew what the arguments against were and tackled them head on. It works. Well mostly. I think MJ is a superhero named Jackpot who runs around saying "Tiger" all the time. I know. Lame. But Greg Land did the art on Jackpot's bonus story so it was a little easier to stomach... but still. Regardless, they kept me around. I'll keep reading.
One final thing. Before turning in last night, I was flipping channels and came across VH1, one of the last "music" channels to actually play music (albeit sporadically) and I saw the Robert Plant/ Allison Krause video for "Gone, Gone, Gone." I had known Plant and Krause had done an album together and I had absolutely zero interest in ever hearing a track off it. But this song was awesome. It reminded of something that would be playing on a roadhouse jukebox in a Tarantino movie. It had that certain kind of seedy yet cool vibe to it. I ended up buying the CD of Amazon MP3. It's not something I would normally buy, (in my eyes, Plant stopped being a Rock God when Led Zepplin broke up and who the hell is Allison Krause anyway?) but I dig it. Check out the video below. I like the way Plant claps.
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